The Trust Board


There are currently no vacancies for membership of the board of trustees or trust officers being advertised.

Members of the company interested in serving the trust are encouraged to visit this page regularly as one or more current trustees reach the end of their term each year.

The Educators’ Trust Board of Trustees

Trustee Role Description

Role Title: Trustee of The Educators’ Trust

Responsible to: Chair of the Board

Purpose of the Board:

1.    To provide governance to the Educators’ Trust and represent it to the Worshipful Company of Educators, other livery companies, and the general public, and to accept the legal authority for it.

2.    To ensure that the Educators’ Trust takes all necessary steps in the pursuit of its charitable objects as set out in the Constitution as Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1179353CIO, incorporated under the Charities Act 2011.

Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities of the Trustees

1.    To ensure that the Board complies with its governing constitution, charity law, and any other relevant legislation or regulations.

2.    To ensure that the Educators’ Trust pursues its objects as defined in its Constitution.

3.    To ensure the Educators’ Trust applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects.

4.    To contribute actively to the Trust Board in setting overall strategic policy, defining goals, setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets.

5.    To safeguard the good name and values of the Educators’ Trust.

6.    To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the Educators’ Trust.

7.    To ensure the financial stability of the Educators’ Trust.

8.    To protect and ensure the proper investment of the Educators’ Trust funds.

9.    To participate in the appointment of trustees to the Board.

10.     To attend Board meetings and scrutinise Board papers.

11.     To participate in discussions as appropriate.

12.    To provide guidance on new initiatives.

13.    To contribute to other matters in which the member has special expertise.

14.     To represent the Board of Trustees at functions and meetings.


1. The position is unpaid and undertaken on a voluntary basis

2. The post holder must regularly attend Board Meetings in person wherever possible.

3.    The Trust’s Constitution and other governing documents are available at: HERE

The Educators’ Trust is incorporated under the Charities Act 2011 as Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1179353

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