News From

The Educators’ Trust

May 22, 2023

Lizzi Kew Ross was awarded a Professional Development Grant from the Educators’ Trust in 2021. It helped document the rehearsal and performance of a dance piece to “enable learning movement material more effectively”. She has updated us on further developments.

May 9, 2023

Rowan Mackenzie won an inspirational educator award in 2020 for her work bringing Shakespeare to prisons, also recognised by other organisations. She has kept in touch with the Trust and this year announces the publication of her book “Creating Space for Shakespeare: Working with marginalised communities’.

Apr 27, 2023

In 2018 the Keith Hutton Award for Theatre and Performing Arts was made to Belinda McGuirk, then principal performer at Chickenshed Theatre.

On Saturday 22 April Chickenshed kids were fast tracked to the final of Britains Got Talent!On Saturday 22 April Chickenshed kids were fast tracked to the final of Britains Got Talent!

Apr 22, 2023

2023 Trust Award winners were presented with their trophy by the Lady Mayoress

Mar 3, 2023

Professor Sir Deian Hopkin, chair of the trust’s Professional Grants Panel, is pleased to announce that application for grants in 2023 is now open.

The Educators’ Trust is incorporated under the Charities Act 2011 as Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1179353

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