Awards from

The Educators’ Trust

Winners of Educatprs Trust awards receive this trophy and certificate at an awards dinner along  with their cheque.

Every year the Trust confers awards — prizes and bursaries — on professional educators who may be in full-time or part-time employment or self-employed. The awards include all levels of education – from early years to research institutes – and all settings in which learning takes place – from educational institutions to art galleries, theatres, outdoors and community spaces. Some are dedicated to particular fields of education, such as art, business and performing arts.

The Lady Mayoress presents a 2023 Trust Award

In addition, every year the Trustees choose a theme for a competitive award, ‘The Inspirational Educator Award’ for which there are eight winning places. Themes have included ICT in Teaching and Learning, Special Needs and Disability, prison education, hospital education, teaching Shakespeare, environmental education and music education. We also fund awards in partnership with other organisations, for example for vocational education with City and Guilds and prison education with the Prisoners’ Education Trust.

Award winner Fiona Alderton lecturing at the National Gallery
The Lady Mayoress presents a 2023 Trust Award

The winners are celebrated at a glittering annual awards dinner around Eastertime in a splendid City livery hall where they are presented with an inscribed crystal plaque, a certificate, a cheque to the value of their prize or bursary, and a souvenir booklet containing citations for every winner. It is a joyful evening!

For awards open for nomination CLICK HERE
For awards open for nomination CLICK HERE

The Educators’ Trust is incorporated under the Charities Act 2011 as Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1179353

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