Dancers perform at Durham Cathedral

The Educators’ Trust

Apr 28, 2025

The Educators’ Trust Board was pleased to arrange part-sponsorship of the annual Franklin Lecture of the Worshipful Company of Educators.

The 2025 Franklin Lecture, Digital Change, by  Professor Sir Anthony Finkelstein CBE, FREng, President of City St George's, University of London, took place on 25 April in Drapers’ Hall. The event was introduced and chaired by the Company Master, Catherine McGuinness CBE, with thanks given by the Company Upper Warden, David Wootton CBE DL.

The Trustees of the Educators’ Trust were particularly pleased to have provided part-sponsorship for this event which is named for the Company’s Foundation Master — a major benefactor of the Trust and in whose honour our professional development grants are named.

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