Please help by donating to

The Educators’ Trust

Award Winner Sheila Cohring and her pupils

The Trust receives no grants from governmental agencies. It is mainly funded by the generosity of Freemen and Liverymen of the Company.

Donations are most welcome from other individuals and organisations who share our belief in the transformative power of education and in the educators who make it happen.

The greater the Fund, the more we can do to help them inspire future generations.

You can donate quickly and easily through our JustGiving account by clicking the ‘Donate Now’ button. We are not charged an administration fee by JustGiving but you are asked to consider making a small additional contribution to cover those costs — you can decide an amount from zero upward.

An important message to all members of the Worshipful Company of Educators from our Honorary Treasurer, Anne-Maria Brennan:

Honorary Treasurer, Martin Collins

 As you will see from this website, the Trust Fund gives a substantial number of prizes, bursaries and grants to inspiring and innovative educators in some challenging contexts. In order to achieve this, we depend solely on your generous contributions as members of the Company. I am sure I do not need to remind you that supporting the charity of a livery company has always been a requirement of membership of it, and so it is with  ours.

You may recollect the Affirmation statement on your application form and your Declaration.

I appreciate that members' financial circumstances may vary considerably and that in these difficult financial times some may be struggling, but a donation, however small is still very important and appreciated.

It would also be very helpful if the donation is made on a regular basis through our JustGiving account. Apart from making my bookkeeping much easier, especially if you increase the donation as a taxpayer through gift aid, it ensures a consistent cash flow from month to month and you will not have to remember when to donate.

To set up a regular payment in this way please use the button below.

 If you prefer not to donate through our JustGiving account we can accommodate this but do consider that this requires additional administration by our limited staff. The appropriate form can be downloaded HERE. It is also then appreciated if you can complete a Gift Aid form — download HERE.

I should like to thank you personally in advance for your generosity in supporting outstanding educators. I also thank you on behalf of the Trust Fund and on behalf of the Company.

The Educators’ Trust is incorporated under the Charities Act 2011
as Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1179353

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